Below The Line Agreement

The script supervisor is usually right next to the manager, takes detailed notes and ensures the continuity of Take to Take. The notes contain the characters` lines on the screen and the type of coverage received by the director. Let`s start with the line producer. Although the line producer`s «line» generally falls below production costs and is technically below the line, the line producer is pretty exactly the line. Yes, it`s about money, not ego, talent, skill or something else. The terms above the line and under the line existed before the movie store, and both have different meanings in advertising. However, I have the impression that it has a negative connotation, and especially online in recent years, where it has taken on a whole new meaning to express the tenacity of work in the film industry. That`s what brings us here. They probably heard the words «over the line» and «under the line» a lot thrown into the defence industry.

But what is the difference between the two, and what does this mean for you? Directors need below-the-line talent, and most of them expect a vision from their department heads and are inspired by creative partners. You can have a very illustrious career under the line. The line workers mentioned above are considered essential for film, workers at the bottom of the line are considered interchangeable. Above the line, workers` wages are fixed costs. If z.B. a scene is cut in a film, the screenwriter is still paid the same amount. An example can be made for No Film School in this film Budgeting Template I made for No Film School here. That`s why the Academy awards the Oscars. And they don`t like to distribute a statue for that, but I ask everyone to make a movie without AD or a powerful line producer. These positions are the backbone of production and maintain the line for the whole top. Below the line, employees are not paid as much as line workers. Often, on low-budget movie games under the workers` line (because they are considered interchangeable), they are not very well paid or simply not paid.

Above the line (producers, screenwriters, directors, lead actors) have the most creative look right in the film. Under the line (All other team and support artists) you will get the slightest creative strength. Some people argue that the director of photography should be considered beyond the line. Traditionally, DOP is not considered to be above the line, but this is changing slowly. When setting a feature film budget, expenses are often allocated according to the line and below the cost of the line. But what is the difference between over the line and among driving costs? Costs above the line generally correspond to creators such as directors (including first directing assistants), producers, writers and actors, while, below the line, the costs are those of the film crew and members of the post-production team. Some film and television teams under the line work in the pre-production, production or post-production phases of the cinema. For example, the film publisher may work exclusively in the post-production phase of the film, but it can also work throughout the production, edit the film as it is shot and advise the director when additional recordings or scenes are needed. On the other hand, the burgeoning operator is most often on set during filming, as he must record the actors` dialogue and ambient noises when recording the scene. It is for this reason that a line producer is classified as a line producer because he sits on the line and supports both parties during production.

They are called line manufacturers because they can only start working when they know what the «line» is between the «over-the-line» and the «under-line» cost. All the other talents are under the line. The lower online talent is the crew, which is busy with the daily activities of the film production and which can be shared between the p

Sobre el Autor: Luis